Cultivini Wines
It is still unclear who it was that first said, “Life is too short to drink bad wine.” Whoever it may have been, there is wisdom behind that statement. Everybody, no matter their background, should have the opportunity to enjoy the very best wines.
Hemingway once also said, “Wine is the most civilized thing in the world.”
These two statements are a good basis for CultiVini’s Philosophy.
Enjoying wine is much more than tasting and drinking. It is going deeper to grapes, history, terroir, and an experience to help understand the soul of the wine. Therefore Cultivini Wine Gallery is not a shop or a bar. It is much more – it is an experience to take with you.
CultiVini provides an opportunity for everyone, from novice to expert, to taste the best Hungarian wines in a pleasant and accessible environment. Everybody can enjoy the experience at their own pace, and enjoy privacy or professional support. We present premium wines from the most typical local grape varieties as well as comprehensive information of all Hungarian wine regions, wines, and wine producers. We want you to get a full view of Hungarian wines and wine making in one central location, without having to visit each producer individually.
Through Hungary’s turbulent history, we’ve seen the highs and lows of our country’s wine-making. In the last 20 years, exceptional wines of all types have been produced, although they are still largely unknown outside our borders. CultiVini hopes to have a part in changing this.
We offer tasting by the sip, by the glass, buying in small or large quantities, and delivery right to your home, in Hungary or abroad.
We want to provide you with an unforgettable experience. Our staff will do their very best to serve you.
Cultivini Staff
Párizsi u. 4
(between Váci St. & Petőfi Sándor St.)
Budapest 1052
[email protected]
+36 1 235 0230
Every Day 11.00 – 21.00
(including Sunday)