Rózsavölgyi Chocolate
Chocolate as a material is particularly inspiring. We at Rózsavölgyi Csokoládé use traditonal processes and pure ingredients to achieve the most natural flavours and apply detailed yet contemporary designs to create a memorable experience – a true piece of art.
The cocoa beans are sourced from two main growers: Cacao San Jose (the Franceschi family) in Venezuela, and Bertil Akesson in Madagascar. Both of these are well-known and respected players in cultivating rare varieties of fine cocoa. Their perfected fermentation and drying techniques are an essential first step in the flavour development of our raw materials.
In our workshop, Porcelana, Carenero Superior, Trincheras, Rio Caribe, Sur del Lago, Puerto Cabello and madagascan trinitario and criollo beans are used to produce “single origin” chocolates.
In may 2013 UK based Academy of Chocolate awarded our unique “Olives and Bread 77%” chocolate with a bronz award. In July 2013 we’ve won 2 star Great Taste Awards for 3 of our single origin “Trincheras 70%”, “Porcelana 71%” and “Madagascan Criollo 71%” from the Guild of Fine Food.
Earlier years we also won silver and bronz awards from the AoC for our single origin chocolate bars, for our filled chocolates and for our packagings.
Old Hungarian shapes and patterns blend in with new creations; traditional chocolate making with a modern view. It brings consistency without compromising quality.
Királyi Pál u. 6., 1053 Budapest, Hungary
Open: M-F: 10:30-13:00 and 13:30-18:30 Sa: 12-18
Factory, orders: +36 30 5044 294, +36 30 6831 228
Shop: +36 30 814 8929
info: http://www.rozsavolgyi.com
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